

1. Click here to add new plugin


2.Click here to upload plugin

Screeen Nr 3

3.Choose file with ADS PRO

Screen Nr 6

4.Click here to start installation

Screeen Nr 4

5.Choose settings

Screen Nr 5

6.Paste here your purchase code

Where is your Purchase Code?
Envato Guide

Update Guide

Before you will update Ads Pro, please read a CHANGELOG (located in package) because sometimes after uploaded a new files, you will need to re-activate plugin (Plugins > Installed Plugins > Ads Pro > Deactivate / Activate)

You can update ADS PRO in 2 simple ways:
1. Upload all files from the newest pack via FTP and overwrite them.
2. Remove plugin via WordPress Plugins module and re-install the newest pack.
If you want to keep all data (settings, ad spaces and ads), make sure that you have marked this option:
ADS PRO> Settings> Re-installation> Delete all the data when uninstalling? > no, keep all added spaces and ads

Display Methods

Ad Space - Shortcode

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1]

Ad Space - Ajax Shortcode

[bsa_pro_ajax_ad_space id=1]

Ad Space - Template Tag

<?php echo bsa_pro_ad_space('1'); ?>

Ad Space - PHP fuction - do_shortcode()

<?php echo do_shortcode("[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1]"); ?>
Widget - Drag and Drop Ads Pro shortcode

Apperance > Widgets > Ads Pro Shortcode

Hooks (via on click) - Before/After all posts/pages or after X paragraphs

Visual Composer - Content Element

Visual Composer > Add Element > Content > Ads Pro
AdBlock Notice – Shortcode to show notice
or Custom Message:
[bsa_pro_adblock_notice message="Page blocked! 

Please disable AdBlocker to view this page

Frontend User Panel

#10 Frontend Order Form

Shortcode Parameters

Delay for Carousel (value in seconds):
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 delay=2] – (ads will be changed after 2 seconds)

Delay for Floating Ads - (value in % of the page height):

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 delay=80] – (ads will be shown after the page is scrolled 80%)

Delay disabled for Floating Ads:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 delay=none]

Show specific Ads only:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 show_ids=1,2,3]

Max width for Carousel (value in px):

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 max_width=700] – (maximum size for Carousel Wrapper)

Max width for Floating Ads (value in px):

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 max_width=700] – (maximum size for Floating Wrapper)

Padding Top for Background Ads (eg. “100” – in pixels)

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 padding_top=100]

Attachment for Background Ads (“fixed” or “scroll”):

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 attachment=fixed]

Allow Gif’s animations:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 crop=no]

Show another Ad Space if the main Ad Space is empty:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 if_empty=2]

Link Ads – visible if hover:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 max_width=125] Hover on me.[/bsa_pro_ad_space]

Show custom sample image if Ad Space empty:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 custom_image=IMAGE_URL]

Open links in the same window:

[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 link=same]

Display ad spaces after X paragraphs in Hooks (eg. after 20 paragraph):


Video Guides

How to install?

How to add new ad space?

How to add new ad?


Spaces and Ads


Here you have information about your Ads and Spaces


How to add new Space

New_Space_1 f1

1.Here you can active your new space

New_Space_1 f2

2.Write here your space name

New_Space_1 f3

3.Write here your space title

New_Space_1 f4

4.Here you can add button description

You can sell ADs in 3 different billings models
New_Space_1 v3


CPC - cost per click
New_Space_1 v2


CPM - cost per Mille (views)
New_Space_1 v1


CPD - cost per days
New_Space_1 v4


Here you can set discount for 2nd and 3rd contract
New_Space_2 v1

Any template in grid system

- grid with Gutter between  ADs

- grid with Vertical Gutter between ADs 

- grid with Horizontal Gutter between ADs

- grid without Gutter between ADs

New_Space_2 v2

You can display Template in 30 ways

- block 125x125

- block 1920x1200

- block 250x250

- block 300x250

- block 300x600

- block 336x280

- block 468x60

- block 728x90

- default extra

- default

- facebook 1

- facebook 2

- flat 1

- flat 2

- flat 3

- flat 4

- html

- image 1

- image 2

- link 1

- link 2 

- material design 1

- material design 2

- modern 1

- modern 2 

- modern 3

- modern 4

- paper note 1

- paper note 2 

- paper note 3

New_Space_2 v3

You can display AD Spaces in 17 ways


- carousel slide

- carousel fade

- top scroll bad

- bottom scroll bar

- floating - bottom right 

- floating - bottom left

- floating - top right

- floating - top left 

- pop-up

- pop- up + opacity(70%)

- corner peel

- layer

- background 

- exit pop-up

- exit pop-up + opacity(70%)

- hover link 

New_Space_3 v1

Show ADs randomly or statically

- show all ads statically

- show ads statically in 1 row

- show ads statically in 1 column

- show ads statically in 2 rows/columns 

- show ads statically in 3 rows/columns 

- show ads randomly in 1 row

- show ads randomly in 1 column 

- show ads randomly in 2 rows/columns

- show ads randomly in 3 rows/columns

- show all ads randomly

New_Space_3 v2

Maximum ADs in  space

Max number of ADs is a 96

New_Space_3 v3

Number of ADs per one row or column

- 1 item in row/column

- 2 items in row/column

- 3 items in row/column

- 4 items in row/column

- 8 items in row/column

- 12 items in row/column  

New_Space_3 v4

ADs animation if it visible

- Attention Seekers 

- bounce

- flash 

- pulse 

- rubberBand

- shake 

- swing 

- tada 

- wobble

- Bouncing Entrances

- bounceIn

- bounceInDown

- bounceInLeft

- bounceInRight

- bounceInUp

- Fading Entrances

- fadeIn

- fadeInDown

- fadeInDownBig

- fadeInLeft

- fadeInLeftBig

- fadeInRight

- fadeInRightBig

- fadeInUp

- fadeInUpBig

- Flippers

- flip

- flipInX

- flipInY

- Lightspeed

- lightSpeedIn

-Rotating Entrances

- rotateIn

- rotateInDownLeft

- rotateInDownRight

- rotateInUpLeft

- rotateInUpRight

- Specials

- hinge

- rollIn

- Zoom Entrances

- zoomIn

- zoomInDown

- zoomInLeft

- zoomInRight

- zoomInUp

New_Space_3 v5

Click here for more option

New_Space_4 v1

Here you can choose on which devices the ad will be displayed

New_Space_4 v2

Here you can set the delay of showing ADs

New_Space_4 v3

Here you can set the delay of showing close button

New_Space_4 v4

Here you can set the delay of closing ADs

New_Space_5 v1

Here you can hide ADs for specific post, pages, custom types or taxonomies

New_Space_5 v2

Here you can show ADs for specific categories, tags, custom types or taxonomies

New_Space_5 v3

Here you can show or hide ADs for specific country

New_Space_5 v4

Here you can customization ADs

New_Space_5 v5

Click here to save new space


How to add new Ad


Create new Ad 

E-mail - this e-mail address is required to generate statistics

Choose Space - here you can choose Ad Space

Billing model - you can choose billing model (CPC, CPM or CPD) and display limit 

Live Preview - here you have Ad Live Preview

URL - paste here URL of the page you want to advertise here

Image - add image you want to display 

More options - click here for more options


More options 

Start Date - here you can choose start date

End - here  you can choose end date

Geo-Target Ad - you can manage ad serving in the selected country

Capping Limit - you can set capping limit impressions per User/Session 


Standard Ad Creator - Custom Ad Sizes


You can set up a standard ad size


Schedule Tasks - Show / Hide Spaces or Ads


Here you can schedule tasks

Click here to set tasks for Ad or Ad Space

Set task for Ad

Select Ad ID - you can choose Ad ID

Select action - you can change status to active or blocked

When repeat? - you can choose when repeat action

Start-up time - you can set start-up time but remember start-up time should be greater than the current. The interval between tasks should be a minimum of 10 minutes.


Set task for Ad Space

Select Ad ID - you can choose Space ID

Select action - you can change status to active or inactive

When repeat? - you can choose when repeat action

Start-up time - you can set start-up time but remember start-up time should be greater than the current. The interval between tasks should be a minimum of 10 minutes.


A/B Tests


Here you can compare 2 different Ads

Select Ads and click Compare now!

Date to be compared:

- Traffic weight





Users Manager


Here you can manage Users


Add free ads

Increase/Decrease - you can increase or decrease 

free Ads - you can choose number of free ads. Limit will increase if the user has unused free ads.

assign to - you can assign to user or admin


Set access

Permissions - you can assign or revoke permissions to set ads

to Ad - here you can choose ad  that you grant access to

for - for user or admin




General/Payments Settings

Purchase Code - here you should paste your purchase code

PayPal Email - your PayPal e-mail, needed to receive payments 

Stripe Secret Key - Stripe > Your account > Account Settings > API Keys

Stripe Publishable Key - Stripe > Your account > Account Settings > API Keys

Bank Transfer Details - paste here your bank number to show it in payment module - users will be able to pay manually vi Bank Transfer

WooCommerce - here you can choose WooCommerce item. Item will be used in cart

URL to the Order Form - paste here URL to the Order Form. Order form you can display via this shortcode:  [bsa_pro_form_and_stats]

PayPal Currency Code - code defines currency

Currency Symbol - you can change the currency symbol for your native currency

Symbol Position - you can display currency symbol before price or after

Price Format - here you can choose how to display the price

Auto-Accept Ads - new sold Ads can be auto-accepted or no

Show Order Form only for logged in users - you can view Order Form for everyone or for logged in only

Show optional field in the Order Form - you can show optional field in the Order Form or no

Show calendar in the Order Form - Option to show calendar in the Order Form - users will be able to schedule their ads

Save Changes - remember click here to save changes



Here you can reinstallation ADS Pro. You have three option     for reinstallation. 

- you can keep all settings, spaces and ads

- you can delete all data (settings, spaces and ads)

- you can delete all ads only



Here you can paste shortcodes to show ads before or after content.  



Here you can paste shortcodes to stream ads after activity.  



Here you can paste shortcodes to stream ads after topics. 



Send email reminder to the Buyer if expires Ads - you can send email remainder or no

Send email reminder to the Buyer if expired Ads - you can send email remainder or no

Send CPC email reminder if less than - here you can set when to send a email reminder. For options CPC.

Send CPM email reminder if less than - here you can set when to send a email reminder. For options CPM.

Send CPD email reminder if less than - here you can set when to send a email reminder. For options CPD.



Affiliate - User ID - paste your User ID to get more traffic via Affiliate Program

Users can edit Ads in the frontend/backend panel - here you choose on which panel the user can edits ads

RTL Support - choose “Yes” if you need use RTL styles 

Disable preview for HTML  Ad - you can disable option to preview for HTML Ad if your HTML / JS code affect on the Admin Panel 

Hide all ads for logged users - here you can provide a premium website and hide all ads for logged users

Disable Admin Bar link -  easy way to hide Ads Pro link in Admin Bar

Selection method of Ad Spaces - here you can select selection method of ad spaces

Show an Ad Name field on the list - you can show or hide Ad Name field on the list

Use rel= "nofollow" attribute  for all links - you can use rel= "nofollow" attribute for all links

Show Coundown inside Ads - you can show or hide coundown inside Ads

Price limit of Free Ads - you can choose price limit of Ads which are available to get for free

Change Click Dashboard Counter - you can change click dashboard counter

Change Views Dashboard Counter - you can change views dashboard counter

Upload DIR - use this option carefully because this option affect on upload folder. As default keep it empty.

Cache Prefix - use unique prefix for each site if you are using multiple wordpress installation with the one domain. As default keep it empty. 

Access as Admin for Users with Capability - use this option carefully because you can give access by unauthorized users



Example Ad if empty Ad Space - you can show or hide example Ad if empty Ad Space

Optimize All Images - you can optimize all images and show or hide gif animations

Optimize All CSS files into One - you can optimize all CSS files into One or no.

Carousel Script for Slider -you can choose Carousel Script for Slider

Maximum upload file size - you can choose maximum upload file size. As default is 400kb.

Image maximum width -  you can choose image maximum image width. As default is 1024px.

Image maximum height  - you can choose image maximum image height. As default is 800px.



Order Form Customization - you can customization Order Form  

Alert Colors -  you can customization Alerts

Chart Colors -  you can customization Charts

Affiliate Program Customization -  you can customization Affiliate Program

User Panel Customization - you can customization User Panel

Custom CSS/JS - you can use custom CSS or JS code to customization



You can translate all frontend sentences in a one place.


WooCommerce Integration

How to configure WooCommerce as Payment Gateway.

1. Create new WooCommerce product. Product price (e.g. $1) doesn’t matter because it will be overwritten by the order price.

2. Enable WooCommerce payments in the Settings (Ads Pro > Settings > Payment Settings > WooCommerce > On).

And choose the new Product.


3. Done. Now your users will be able to use all WooCommerce Payment Gateways.

Marketing Agency - Installation

1. Extract Codecanyon package and unzip “” file

2. Upload all files from “admin-ma” folder to the folder where is installed ADS PRO Manager:

Here you can see how to upload files via the ftp:

3. Watch Video Guide to configure Add-on:
How to display Ad Space for all pages (not just the main page)?
Ads Pro > MA - Site manager > Site > Manage Spaces and Ads > Space > Edit Space > Allowed Websites > multiple websites

How to Allow displaying Ads for other Sites (non-wordpress) via Iframe?
Ads Pro > Settings > Marketing Agency Add-on > Allow displaying Ads for other Sites (non-wordpress) > yes, ads can be shown anywhere via iframe also

Marketing Agency

Privacy – you can provide global or private (access only for administrators) marketing agency

URL to Agency API – paste here full url to API page, here you can find video guide, how to configure Marketing Agency Add-on

URL to Agency Ordering Form – paste here full url to the Agency Order Form. Agency Order Form you can display via shortcode: 

Agency Commission – value of commissions for all sold ads (default: 30%)

Allow displaying Ads - ads can be shown anywhere or only for wordpress via Ads Pro Parser

Agency Auto-Accept Sites – you can make it in automatically but we recommended to consider all pending sites

Minimum amount for Withdrawal – here you can control a minimum amount for a Withdrawal


How to configure Affiliate Program Add-on?

1. Extract Codecanyon package.
2. Install Add-on via Plugins Manager (Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose > Install Now).
3. Activate plugin.
4. Use [bsa_pro_affiliate_program] shortcode to display Affiliate Program.

Affiliate Program

Cookie Lifetime - you can choose how  long will be Cookie lifetime

Affiliate commission - you can choose the size of the affiliate commission

Minimum amount for Withdrawal - you can choose the minimum payout amount



1How to center an Ad Space?
Use below Custom CSS code to center an Ad Space (Ads Pro > Settings > Customization > Custom CSS):

.bsaProContainer-1 { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 728px; }


1 – it’s an Ad Space ID

728px – it’s width of Ad Space

2How to increase maximum upload file size?
Go to ADS PRO > Settings > Media Settings > Maximum upload file size & Image maximum width / height
3How to show few Ad Spaces in the same place?
eg. [[bsa_pro_ad_space id="1,2,3,4"]]
4How to enable gif's animations?
You should change this option:

Ads Pro > Settings > Media > Optimize All Images (crop tool) > No
5How to add HTML / JS / Google AdSense code?
1. Create new Space and choose a HTML template

(Ads Pro > Spaces and Ads > Add new Space)

2. Add new Ad and paste anything you want (HTML / JS / Google AdSense code)

(Ads Pro > Add new Ad)

6HTML 5 Video Ad - Examples
Choose HTML Template for the Ad Space and paste below code for the new Ad:
<video controls> <source src= type=video/mp4> <source src= type=video/ogg> </video>
Auto-play example:
<video controls autoplay> <source src= type=video/mp4> <source src= type=video/ogg> </video>
7How to show an Ad Space for specific Categories or Tags?
Ads Pro > Spaces and Ads > Edit Space > more options > Displays only for specific Categories / Tags

8How to show / hide an Ad Space for specific Countries?
Ads Pro > Spaces and Ads > Edit Space > more options > Show / Hide in specific Countries

9My Images or Ad Preview doesn't work. What can I do?
You can change the below option:

Ads Pro > Settings > Media > Optimize All CSS files into One > No
10How to disable Powered by Ads Pro referral link?
You can remove globally by removing your username in the settings (keep it empty): Ads Pro > Settings > Admin > Envato Affiliate – Username

Or you can remove it for specific ad spaces by the below parameter:
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 powered=no]
11Order Form doesn't work: All Ad Spaces are full. Contact us via the contact form.
You should use minimum one non-html (another ad template than html) ad space and set one billing model (cpc, cpm or cpd), example:

You can check ad limits also (and increase if needs):

Ads Pro > Spaces and Ads > Edit Space > Maximum Ads in Space

12I can't add new Ad: Ad Spaces are fully or doesn't exists! Go here to add new Ad Space.
You should increase limits here:

Ads Pro > Spaces and Ads > Edit Space > Maximum Ads
13I have error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING
You should use PHP 5.3 or higher PHP version on your server so please upgrade it. You can send request to the support of server also then they will make it for you.
14I have error: The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
Firstly you should unzip codecanyon package then you will be able to install bsa– file.
15Which image size I should use for all Custom Templates like Modern, Material Design etc.?
For all custom templates like material design I recommend to use 400×300 image size without text because all templates are responsive and image size can be different for each windows size.
16How to redirect Users from User's Panel to the MA Order Form?
Use the below shortcode:
Ad Content Buyer Stats Display Limit Order Details Actions
Please login here >
17How to configure Affiliate Program Add-on?
1. Extract Codecanyon package. 2. Install Add-on via Plugins Manager (Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose > Install Now).

3. Activate plugin.

4. Use shortcode to display Affiliate Program: 
commission: 10%
for each sale
balance: $0.00
make a withdrawal

Your Referral Link

Please login to see your referral link.

Referred Users

Date Buyer Order Amount Commission Rate Your Commission
List empty.

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